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Up until this point we've been testing our widget pack locally by hooking it up to MoBro using the dashboard-cli. Now that we know that our widget is doing what it should and everything works, we can publish our widget pack to the marketplace so everyone can install and use it!

This is pretty simple with the dashboard-cli again. You will need an API key for the marketplace first though. To get one, please just contact us via Discord, and we will arrange everything.

Once you have your API key you simply need to run

dashboard-cli publish --api-key xxx

If the widget pack does not exist in the marketplace yet (based on the name in the mobro-widget-pack-config.json), the CLI will ask you, if it should create it on the marketplace. After that it will bundle the src/ directory together with the mobro-widget-pack-config.json and the package.json to a zip and publish it as a version on the marketplace, based on the version you have in the package.json.

Once the version has been created, you can see your widget pack in the marketplace in the app and simply install it from there!

Publish a new version

If you want to update your widget pack and publish a new version, simply bump the version in the package.json and run

dashboard-cli publish --api-key xxx


Update the widget pack metadata

If you want to update let's say the nice name or the description of the widget pack, simply adapt the mobro-widget-pack-config.json and run

dashboard-cli update-info --api-key xxx

If you want to update the logo of the widget pack, simply create a logo file in the root of your project. The name of the file must be logo and it can either be a svg or a png (logo.svg or logo.png). Then run

dashboard-cli update-logo --api-key xxx

Further help

You can find a detailed explanation for the dashboard-cli here or simply run

dashboard-cli --help

to see what the cli has to offer.