🗃️ Field Hooks
10 items
📄️ useItemPosition
Hook that returns the absolute position of the widget on the dashboard.
📄️ useSetItemPosition
Hook that sets the absolute position of the widget on the dashboard.
📄️ useItemSize
Hook that returns the size of the widget in pixels.
📄️ useSetItemSize
Hook that sets the size of the widget in pixels.
📄️ useTimezone
Hook that returns the timezone selected in MoBro.
📄️ useSystemTime
Hook that returns the time of the system MoBro is running on. The hook can auto refresh in a given interval to simulate
📄️ useSettings
Hook that returns the settings that are defined in MoBro.
📄️ useLanguage
Hook that returns the language selected in MoBro.
📄️ useConvertDateToTimezone
Hook that lets you convert a given date object that might be in a different timezone than the one selected in MoBro to
📄️ useFormattedMetricValue
Documentation coming soon. Hook to format a channel value nicely without having to know what the value behind the